Member's Area: Content

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Happy reading ^.^

For products such as images, audiobooks, and videos, after clicking the ‘Click Here To Access’ Button, when the options pop up, right click and ‘Save Link As’ to be able to download files. The Library can’t be downloaded, so click the link to be taken directly to it to read.

Sorry, you must log in before you can view this content. Click here to log in

You can cancel your recurring subscriptions by checking the FAQs page on how to do it manually from Paypal. Otherwise, contact me and I’ll do it for you.

***Note: The No Content Glitch!

Sometimes the software glitches and fails to update the membership end date when someone renews. This will look like being able to log into your account, but there is no content available for you to access. No, you’re not going crazy, the software fucked up, and it’s an ongoing issue that won’t fix itself. But there is a very simple fix; it just requires an email to me so I can manually correct things on my end. Make sure you send me your paypal email associated with your account to speed things up. EMAIL about being locked out of content!

Any issues with the site? EMAIL ME!!! Gah, so I’m new to this web building stuff. Just let me know. I don’t know the experience from your point of view so if there is anything you think could use work just to make things flow better, I’d love to hear.